January 2021

With another month of keeping it local, the beauty in the little things became a major game player. A week of self isolation confined my attentions to the goings on in the front garden, with the first of the snowdrops and cyclamen, and the last of the rudbeckia and gerbera. When finished with my confinement, I was able to reinstate the regular visits to the beach - I’ve always found the consistent view of the horizon to be very grounding. Beach finds change through the season, but in January the absolute highlight was the frost encrusted seaweed. A short walk away from the beach and there is another January stalwart, a small patch of Winter Heliotrope (Petasites fragrans). Dog walks in the woods would initially seem a little bleak at this time of year, but on closer inspection, the lichen and mosses really come into their own, with vibrant shades of greens. It’s possible that I just haven’t paid them that much attention in the past, but it will be interesting to see the colour change throughout the year.


November 2020